Activities for our dogs…. and for us !


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Activités pour chiens épanouis ASBL

Chaussée de Namur 300 B-5310 Leuze

Bank account BE85 0689 0650 1706

Company BE 0674.455.054 (exempt from VAT – article 44 of the Belgian VAT Code) – RPM Namur

Courses offered (by appointment)

patte-bleue individual lessons at home: 140 eur for two hours + travel expenses (from Eghezée at the federal kilometre rate – 0.4415 per km on 01-07-2024)
patte-bleue individual lessons in a garden or on a car park: 70 eur for one hour (no travel expenses)
patte-bleue Group lessons: 40 eur (no travel expenses) with an average of 1 hour for each participating dog (3 dogs = 3 hours); individual lessons are required before participating in the group lessons. Despite the name “group classes”, each dog works in turn, while the others wait in the car.
patte-bleue Puppy classes consisting of a theoretical course (100 eur) + 6 practical courses of one hour each (200 eur – no travel expenses)

Some recommended websites and services

patte-bleue Reading:

patte-bleue Other behavioural consultants:

patte-bleue Putting yourself “in their pawprints”: Empreintes animales or AnimAlices (Elise MONFORT)

patte-bleue Osteophathy care: (Nathalie BARRIERE) or (Laurence STREPENNE)

patte-bleue Osteophathy care, hydrotherapy and massage: (Magali BRAEKEN)

patte-bleue Social walks: Dog Balance (Stéphanie Scuttenaire)

Interview with Nathalie BARRIERE, veterinary specialized in osteopathy (November 2016)

activités pour chiens épanouis stimulations mentales et jeux d'olfaction

Activities for happy dogs